Results for 'Li Xin Guo'

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  1.  14
    Social Entrepreneur’s Psychological Capital, Political Skills, Social Networks and New Venture Performance.Li Xin Guo, Chi-Fang Liu & Yu-Sheng Yain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2.  35
    The Background Structure of Entrepreneurial Team and Strategic Investment Decisions: A Collective Psychological Capital Perspective.Li Xin Guo, Kun-Hwa Lu, Ya-Fang Cheng & Chi-Fang Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Xin Ke Xue Guan Li: Xin Xing Gong Ye Hua Shi Dai de Guan Li Si Xiang Ji Fang Fa Yan Jiu = the New Wave of Scientific Management: Philosophy and Methodology of Management in the New Industrialization's Era.Xin'guo Zhang - 2011 - Ji Xie Gong Ye Chu Ban She.
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  4.  34
    Robot Motion Planning Method Based on Incremental High-Dimensional Mixture Probabilistic Model.Fusheng Zha, Yizhou Liu, Xin Wang, Fei Chen, Jingxuan Li & Wei Guo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
    The sampling-based motion planner is the mainstream method to solve the motion planning problem in high-dimensional space. In the process of exploring robot configuration space, this type of algorithm needs to perform collision query on a large number of samples, which greatly limits their planning efficiency. Therefore, this paper uses machine learning methods to establish a probabilistic model of the obstacle region in configuration space by learning a large number of labeled samples. Based on this, the high-dimensional samples’ rapid collision (...)
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  5.  56
    Electrophysiological correlates associated with contributions of perceptual and conceptual fluency to familiarity.Wei Wang, Bingbing Li, Chuanji Gao, Xin Xiao & Chunyan Guo - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6.  32
    Psychological Status and Influencing Factors of Hospital Medical Staff During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Yang Yao, Yao Tian, Jing Zhou, Xin Diao, Bogan Cao, Shuang Pan, Ligai Di, Yan Liu, Hui Chen, Chunxia Xie, Yuanli Yang, Feiyu Li, Yuqi Guo & Shengyu Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7.  76
    The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Aggressive Behavior in Boxers: The Mediating Role of Self-Control.Xin Chen, Guodong Zhang, Xueqin Yin, Yun Li, Guikang Cao, Carlos Gutiérrez-García & Liya Guo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  8.  21
    Peer Victimization and Problematic Online Game Use Among Chinese Adolescents: The Dual Mediating Effect of Deviant Peer Affiliation and School Connectedness.Hao Li, Xiong Gan, Guo-Xing Xiang, Ting Zhou, Pinyi Wang, Xin Jin & Congshu Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Abundant evidence has proved an association between peer victimization and problematic online game use. However, the underlying mechanisms of this relation are still under-investigated. Grounded in the ecological system theory, this study examined whether deviant peer affiliation and school connectedness mediated the association between peer victimization and adolescent POGU. A sample of 698 Chinese adolescents completed questionnaires regarding peer victimization, problematic online game use, DPA, and school connectedness, of which 51.58% were boys. Path analyses indicated that peer victimization was positively (...)
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  9. Lun li xin lun: Zhongguo shi chang jing ji ti zhi xia de dao de jian she = Lilun xinlun.Guangyin Guo (ed.) - 2004 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  10.  41
    The Relationship Between Big Five and Self-Control in Boxers: A Mediating Model.Guodong Zhang, Xin Chen, Luxia Xiao, Yun Li, Bing Li, Zi Yan, Liya Guo & Detlef H. Rost - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  11. Traumatic Stress Produces Delayed Alterations of Synaptic Plasticity in Basolateral Amygdala.Huan-Huan Zhang, Shi-Qiu Meng, Xin-Yi Guo, Jing-Liang Zhang, Wen Zhang, Ya-Yun Chen, Lin Lu, Jian-Li Yang & Yan-Xue Xue - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12.  7
    "Ru jia lun li xin pi pan" zhi pi pan.Qiyong Guo (ed.) - 2011 - Wuchang: Wuhan da xue chu ban she.
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  13.  5
    Da xue zhe xue yuan li xin bian.Huanyi Guo, Chenghui Liu & Xuexian Guo (eds.) - 1990 - Changchun Shi: Jilin sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
  14.  7
    Kai xin: dang dai ru xue li lun chuang gou = Kai xin: dangdai ruxue lilun chuanggou.Yi Guo (ed.) - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  15. Ru jia lun li zheng ming ji: yi "qin qin hu yin " wei zhong xin = A collection of contention about Confucian ethics.Qiyong Guo (ed.) - 2004 - Wuhan: Hubei jiao yu chu ban she.
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  16.  7
    Gou jian he xie she hui yu zhe xue li lun chuang xin =.Jinbin Guo & Zhaoxu Xu (eds.) - 2007 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本书是一部讨论“哲学理论创新与构建和谐社会关系”的文集,作者致力于发掘传统哲学资源,梳理和谐哲学思想的发展轨迹;对一些与生态和谐、社会和谐有关的现代哲学思潮进行评析;对辩证矛盾观的内涵进行反思,探讨了 构建和谐社会的思维方式与方法论。.
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  17.  19
    Xin wu xiang rong chu tan: wai yi zhong.Tinghui Li - 1992 - Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju. Edited by Tinghui Li.
    Xin wu xiang rong chu tan -- Guo Dingtang zhu zi yan jiu jue yi.
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  18.  12
    Lun li su qiu: ai guo, jing ye, cheng xin, you shan.Jianhui Ma - 2013 - Hefei Shi: Anhui ren min chu ban she.
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  19.  9
    Jian ming xi fang mei xue shi du ben =.Xin Ru (ed.) - 2014 - Beijing: Zhong guo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi jian ming e yao de bi chu xiang du zhe ti gong le yi fu quan jing shi de xi fang mei xue li shi hua juan.Qi nei rong han gai cong gu xi la,Luo ma zhi dao 20 shi ji de xi fang mei xue si xiang he li lun cheng guo,Qi zhong yi li lun xing tai de mei xue si xiang wei zhu gan,Tong shi she ji wen xue yi shu yi ji she hui (...)
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  20.  14
    Ying yong lun li xue de xin shi ye: 2007 "ke ji lun li yu zhi ye lun li" guo ji xue shu yan tao hui wen ji.Yanming An & Qian Wang (eds.) - 2008 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  21.  15
    Ke xue zhe xue wen ti yan jiu.Guichun Guo (ed.) - 2016 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen wei yi ban ke xue zhe xue,Zi ran ke xue zhe xue yu shu xue zhe xue,She hui ke xue zhe xue,Ren zhi yu xin li xue zhe xue,Ke xue ji shu yu she hui wu ge bu fen,Ju ti nei rong bao kuo:gui fan xing wen ti de yu yi zhuan xiang yu yu yong jin lu,Gui ze zun xun yu yi yi de gui fan xing,Dang dai wu li xue zhe xue de yan jiu xian (...)
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  22.  4
    Effects of Confucian values and national culture on business ethics in China: an empirical examination.Rafik I. Beekun, Jim Westerman, Ji Guo, Daniel Jones & Jennifer Westerman - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-31.
    China’s business sector has been described as facing serious ethical challenges, including corruption and bribery, distributive injustice, environmental pollution, and misspending of public funds. Unethical decision-making in business represents a potentially destabilizing force for government, business, and society. Recent calls for research that is detailed, nuanced, contemporary, and context-specific on the effects of Asian national business systems on ethical business practices, according to Pereira et al. (2017), are particularly relevant for countries including China that possess the entanglement of a “multiplexity”-multiple (...)
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  23.  9
    Xin shi dai zhi sheng: quan guo mei shu li lun yan tao hui lun wen ji.Weishan Wu (ed.) - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Wen hua yi shu chu ban she.
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  24.  11
    Tong guo Meng Xun er si: Xun xue shi yu xia ru jia xin li jie gou yu ren ge te zhi de pi pan xing chong jian = Thinking through Mencius and Xunzi: the critical reconstruction of Confucian psychological and personality structure in vision of Xunzi studies.Weijie Zeng - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
    孟學與荀學作為兩種儒家心理的原型,而儒學又作為中國思想場域的大傳統,是以可說思想史脈絡中的孟荀論辯與交鋒,即為建構中國思想場域中人格特質的關鍵來源。亦即思想史上尊孟抑荀的現象,事實上便是孟學意識型態所 形塑之性善心理結構對於性惡陰影的潛抑現象。那是在孟學「四端」理論下所形塑儒家存有具有一不可見卻如四體般存在的「良知器官」之集體驅力。亦即在中國思想場域中的存有只能是「道德人」,而不存在西方基督宗教場域 中「生物人」脈絡下的自我認同與表述。而這樣的孟學心理結構已然成為具有集體性的無意識,驅動著存有的思維與行動,是以產生性善的權威、成聖的焦慮、他律的創傷與政治的昇華等現象。本書將通過孟荀而思,藉由荀學視 域涉入孟學意識型態形塑下之儒家心理結構,去反思、批判與重建存有的心理結構,進而作為思索當代華人乃至東亞儒學場域之人格特質的來源與基礎。.
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  25. Xin Zhan guo ce.Huiliang Zhang - 1990 - Taibei Shi: Zhang Huiliang.
    di 1 ce. Hou xian dai guan li xue -- di 2 ce. 21 shi ji qi ye zhuan qian di shi ji da zhan lue.
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  26.  17
    Duo yuan shi ye xia min jian xin yang yu guo jia quan li de hu dong: yi Ming Qing jiang nan wei zhong xin = Duoyuanshiyexia minjianxinyang yu guojiaquanli de hudong: yi MingQingjiangnan wei zhongxin.Jian Wang - 2019 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ci shu chu ban she.
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  27.  25
    Leader Inclusiveness and Taking Charge: The Role of Thriving at Work and Regulatory Focus.Nan Li, Qiu-Yun Guo & Hua Wan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  28.  12
    Approach with initiative or hold on passively? The impact of customer-perceived dependence on customer forgiveness in service failure.Xin Chen, Shuojia Guo, Jie Xiong & Shuyi Hao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Service failure is almost inevitable with the intensifying competition in the service market and expectation of heterogeneous customers. The customer–firm relationship can significantly influence customers’ subsequent attitudes and behaviors to the service provider when they encounter service failure. This study proposes a theoretical model to examine how customer-perceived dependence affects their forgiveness toward a service failure in attribution logic. According to an experiment with 138 and a survey with 428 commercial bank customers, we used a multivariate approach to validate our (...)
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  29.  21
    What Influences Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Innovative Products: Evidence From China.Jie Li, Fan Guo, Jialin Xu & Zucheng Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drawing on the theory of planned behavior, we investigate the legitimacy of platform governance and whether consumers with greater ranges of risk propensity are more likely to purchase innovative products. This study develops a moderated mediation model involving risk propensity, cognitive legitimacy, purchase intention and perceived benefit. To examine our hypotheses, we conducted a survey of 315 consumers from Shanghai, China. The results reveal that risk propensity is positively related to consumers’ purchase intentions, in which cognitive legitimacy plays a mediating (...)
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  30.  71
    The Relationships Between Trait Creativity and Resting-State EEG Microstates Were Modulated by Self-Esteem.Xin Wu, Jiajia Guo, Yufeng Wang, Feng Zou, Peifang Guo, Jieyu Lv & Meng Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:576114.
    Numerous studies had found that creativity is not only associated with low effort and flexible processes, but also associated with high effort and persistent processes especially when defensive behavior being induced negative emotions. The important role of self-esteem is to buffer the negative emotions and low self-esteem are prone to instigate various forms of defensive behaviors. Thus, we thought that the relationships between trait creativity and executive control brain networks might be modulated by self-esteem. The resting-state electroencephalogram (RS-EEG) microstates can (...)
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  31.  67
    The Role of Subjective Task Value in Service-Learning Engagement among Chinese College Students.Yulan Li, Fangfang Guo, Meilin Yao, Cong Wang & Wenfan Yan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  32. Research on Relevant Dimensions of Tourism Experience of Intangible Cultural Heritage Lantern Festival: Integrating Generic Learning Outcomes With the Technology Acceptance Model.Xin-Zhu Li, Chun-Ching Chen, Xin Kang & Jian Kang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The lantern exhibition at the Lantern Festival is an important traditional festival in Taiwan. Visitors play an important role in the promotion and sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage. In recent years, the involvement of digital technology in traditional lantern design and shows has contributed to the protection, inheritance, and promotion of ICH, there remains less research on using augmented reality with ICH tourism. In this study, AR is used for ICH lantern exhibition to discuss the learning experience in lantern (...)
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  33.  33
    Chinese physicians’ perceptions of palliative care integration for advanced cancer patients: a qualitative analysis at a tertiary hospital in Changsha, China.Xin Li, Kaveh Khoshnood, Xing Liu, Xin Chen, Yuqiong Zhong, Rui Liu, Xiaomin Wang & Jessica Hahne - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundLittle previous research has been conducted outside of major cities in China to examine how physicians currently perceive palliative care, and to identify specific goals for training as palliative care access expands. This study explored physicians’ perceptions of palliative care integration for advanced cancer patients in Changsha, China.MethodsWe conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with physicians (n = 24) specializing in hematology or oncology at a tertiary hospital.ResultsMost physicians viewed palliative care as equivalent to end-of-life care, while a minority considered it possible (...)
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  34. Rethinking the Relationship between China and the West.Qingben Li & Jinghua Guo - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):45-60.
    In the age of Globalization, cultural identity is a pointed and hotly debated question in academia. Cultural identity involves a core of traditional values and therecognition of several developing layers: the individual, the community and the nation. China has two dominant cultural tendencies: conservatism and protectionism. This has resulted in rejecting Western discourse to preserve a supposedly unchangeable Chinese identity. Comparative models that study cultural and literary exchanges between China and the West were based on dualist perceptions of spatio-temporal orientation. (...)
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  35.  78
    A logic lu for understanding.Xiaowu Li & Xiangyang Guo - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (1):142-153.
    Understanding a proposition for an intelligent agent is an important epistemic concept. We first discuss intuitively general logic characteristics of understanding, and give a language and a semantics containing understanding as a modal operator. Secondly, we develop the system LU for the operator, give some results of its proof theory, and then we prove the frame soundness and frame completeness of LU.
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  36.  30
    Effects of Exercise on Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Brain Imaging Studies.Jingwen Li, Jian Guo, Weijuan Sun, Jinjin Mei, Yiying Wang, Lihong Zhang, Jianyun Zhang, Jing Gao, Kaiqi Su, Zhuan Lv, Xiaodong Feng & Ruiqing Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundExercise is increasingly recognized as a key component of Parkinson’s disease treatment strategies, but the underlying mechanism of how exercise affects PD is not yet fully understood.ObjectiveThe activation likelihood estimation method is used to study the mechanism of exercise affecting PD, providing a theoretical basis for studying exercise and PD, and promoting the health of patients with PD.MethodsRelevant keywords were searched on the PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science databases. Seven articles were finally included according to the screening criteria, (...)
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  37.  20
    Childbirth as Fault Lines: Justifications in Physician–Patient Interactions About Postnatal Rehabilitation.Xin Li, Yinong Tian, Yanping Meng, Lanzhong Wang & Yonggang Su - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (4):312-337.
    Research on justifications has shown their significance in advice-giving, decision-making and children disputes. However, the majority of studies gloss over practical functions of justifications in patient-physician interactions as they are often expected and pursued by patients and in turn, are adopted by physicians to support their stance and authority. This study, through conversation analysis (CA), aims to explore a) what are pragmatic functions of justifications in patient-physician interaction? b) how and when do physicians unfold their justifications for treatment recommendations? c) (...)
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  38.  18
    Trans-media Artistic Dialogue and Cultural Communication: The Textual Interaction between the Movie and Novel of The Letter from an Unknown Woman.Shou-Xiang Fu & Xin Li - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 4:019.
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  39.  45
    A Hybrid Constraints Handling Strategy for Multiconstrained Multiobjective Optimization Problem of Microgrid Economical/Environmental Dispatch.Xin Li, Jingang Lai & Ruoli Tang - 2017 - Complexity:1-12.
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  40.  12
    Fa lü yuan ze shi yong de fang fa mo shi yan jiu =.Xin Li - 2014 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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  41. Generalized interval neutrosophic Choquet aggregation operators and their applications.Xin Li, Xiaohong Zhang & Choonkil Park - 2018 - In Florentin Smarandache, Xiaohong Zhang & Mumtaz Ali, Algebraic structures of neutrosophic triplets, neutrosophic duplets, or neutrosophic multisets. Basel: MDPI.
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  42. Lao sheng chang tan.Xin Li - 1980 - Nei Menggu xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  43.  90
    Implicit learning of mappings between forms and metaphorical meanings.Fengying Li, Xiuyan Guo, Lei Zhu, Zhiliang Yang & Zoltan Dienes - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):174-183.
    Previous research has shown that people can implicitly acquire mappings between word forms and literal meanings . We argue, from the metaphor-representation and embodiment perspectives, that people can unconsciously establish mappings between word forms and not only literal but also metaphorical meanings. Using Williams’ paradigm, we found that transfer of form-meaning connections from a concrete domain to an abstract domain was achieved in a metaphor-consistent way without awareness. Our results support the view that unconscious knowledge can be flexibly deployed in (...)
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  44.  30
    An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for a Multicommodity Location-Inventory Problem with False Failure Returns.Congdong Li, Hao Guo, Ying Zhang, Shuai Deng & Yu Wang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  45.  30
    Application and Analysis of Multicast Blocking Modelling in Fat-Tree Data Center Networks.Guozhi Li, Songtao Guo, Guiyan Liu & Yuanyuan Yang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    Multicast can improve network performance by eliminating unnecessary duplicated flows in the data center networks. Thus it can significantly save network bandwidth. However, the network multicast blocking may cause the retransmission of a large number of data packets and seriously influence the traffic efficiency in data center networks, especially in the fat-tree DCNs with multirooted tree structure. In this paper, we build a multicast blocking model and apply it to solve the problem of network blocking in the fat-tree DCNs. Furthermore, (...)
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  46.  24
    Grammatological Deconstruction of Linguistics: From Marx to Derrida.Qingben Li & Jinghua Guo - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):129-144.
    Derrida considered himself Marx's successor in Spectres of Marx, as manifested in his grammatological deconstruction of linguistics. Proceeding from linguistics, Derrida questioned the traditional linguistics represented by Saussure, overturned the metaphysics based on linguistic signs, and thereby deconstructed logocentrism. In Derrida's view, logocentrism is the belief that there is an ultimate reality such as being, essence, truth and ideas, which actually doesn't exist and needs to be negated. In linguistics, logocentrism, or rather phonocentrism, maintains that speech alone conveys ideas smoothly (...)
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  47.  93
    A Two-Stage Offline-to-Online Multiobjective Optimization Strategy for Ship Integrated Energy System Economical/ Environmental Scheduling Problem.Qing An, Jun Zhang, Xin Li, Xiaobing Mao, Yulong Feng, Xiao Li, Xiaodi Zhang, Ruoli Tang & Hongfeng Su - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    The economical/environmental scheduling problem of the ship integrated energy system has high computational complexity, which includes more than one optimization objective, various types of constraints, and frequently fluctuated load demand. Therefore, the intelligent scheduling strategies cannot be applied to the ship energy management system online, which has limited computing power and storage space. Aiming at realizing green computing on SEMS, in this paper a typical SIES-EESP optimization model is built, considering the form of decision vectors, the economical/environmental optimization objectives, and (...)
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  48.  42
    A Novel User Emotional Interaction Design Model Using Long and Short-Term Memory Networks and Deep Learning.Xiang Chen, Rubing Huang, Xin Li, Lei Xiao, Ming Zhou & Linghao Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Emotional design is an important development trend of interaction design. Emotional design in products plays a key role in enhancing user experience and inducing user emotional resonance. In recent years, based on the user's emotional experience, the design concept of strengthening product emotional design has become a new direction for most designers to improve their design thinking. In the emotional interaction design, the machine needs to capture the user's key information in real time, recognize the user's emotional state, and use (...)
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  49.  52
    Anne Barron, Yueguo Gu and Gerard Steen , The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics.Xin Li - 2018 - Pragmatics and Society 9 (1):148-154.
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  50.  19
    A purely power-space association without spatial and strategic biases.Xin Li & Yun Pan - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103016.
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